Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A beginning discussion on practical spirituality

I started this blog to discuss practical spirituality. Most of my comments so far have been about a variety of other things -- mostly books I have recently read or reread. The point of practical spirituality, however, is that it includes all aspects of life. It is not a separate subject, not a separate compartment in which only "god-related" subjects are discussed. In fact, practical spirituality is only indirectly related to a discussion on "god." That will be a topic for a future post.

I want to begin to bring together the ideas I've discussed in previous posts. I want to convey the concept that practical spirituality is, in fact, information that allows us to view ourselves on a daily basis from a perspective of connecting to something greater than ourselves, however we define that or whatever name we use to identify that something. What is more important is how it impacts our life. Does it make us a better person? Does it help us deal with common problems? Are the ideas useful and practical? I will discuss these in future posts.


Anonymous said...

Practical Spirituality is not a subject that relates to how life is lived. Rather, it IS how life is to be lived.
Life is designed to be lived from the spiritual not from the material. Spiritual first, physical results. Spirit is life.
The problem is that people do not know this. On the whole people think that spiritual is religious.
"God" is Spirit. Humans are Spirit.
It is not a point of; does spiritual principles make life better, but that not living by spiritual principles makes life less.
A human attempting to live on any other bases than spiritual, is like a cow attempting to live as a horse. The cow will live, but will not have the life it was created to live, therefore will not be a happy, content or successful cow.

peace & love


Cheryl said...

I agree, Franking, with your comments to my post. Practical Spirituality is "how life is to be lived." The reason I read, think and write is further define what that means. Too many of us grew up with a separation in our thinking, which meant we didn't see that Spirituality was our lives. I am coming back to understand how the connections. I feel many of us question how to get back, or forward, to what is important -- the Spirituality of our lives. You said it well.