Monday, February 16, 2009

We are Connected to One Another and to the Divine

What if we realized that no matter how down we felt, we were assured that we are not alone, not separate, not all by ourselves, but part of something larger? We are connected to the world; all is one. While that might not provide any immediate or definable solace, the idea promotes a long term sense of security, a sense that whatever happens, we are never disconnected. We are never really alone. We are connected to everyone, and we are connected to our Creator.

A bond with everything in life. On a practical, daily basis, might we be happier? Most often moments of sadness relate to a belief in isolation from someone or something. If there is no separation, despite a seeming physical one, the sadness lessens. If there is no separation, why would we continue a deep sense of feeling abandoned?

This is an excerpt from my booklet Do It Yourself Guide to Spirituality: Seven Simple Steps, which can be purchased and downloaded at

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