Tuesday, February 17, 2009

There is a Reason for Everything; Nothing Bad Happens

There is a reason for everything. Nothing bad happens; only the right things occur in the world and in our lives. As difficult as that is to accept at times, this is the rule. This is life. This is what we learn from spiritual concepts. Life isn’t about the way we think it should be or the way we want it to be. There is an order to the universe. There is a reason for everything, even if we not aware of that reason.

Law and order exist in the universe. There is a cause and effect in the world. We are not victims. Our decisions create certain effects; we cause the outcomes that occur. And we can change our events to include better reactions. We can begin this moment to perform the actions that will have the results we want. When we accept we are part divine and reflect something bigger, we can change and become better humans with smarter decisions.

This is an excerpt from my Do It Yourself Guide to Spirituality: Seven Simple Steps, available for only $3.00 as an immediate download at http://nottinstitute.org/

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