Sunday, February 22, 2009

Is Our Definition of God Evolving?

Imagine that our definition of God is evolving, in our world of shifting knowledge. While many argue it is self-serving to have a changing God that fits our constant demands, history shows us that this is not the first time God has evolved. Tribal societies believed in magical gods, goddesses and superstition that merged into the mythic, or theist, view. Psychologists teach that people progress in consciousness from one level to another, and every time we go up a level in consciousness, our world view changes.

Jim Marion, author of "Death of a Mythic God" in an EnlightenNext magazine interview, claims that the last 3000 years held to a mythic God after magical gods gave way to “a ruler, a punisher, a patriarch (97). Why would we expect this view to remain unchanged?

Whether we accept a spiritual intelligence, co-creator, integral spirit, or use other words, perhaps we believe in God, even if, or because, our definition and understanding of that entity have changed significantly.

Marion, Jim, an interview by Carter Phipps, “The Death of the Mythic God,” EnlightenNext, Issue 38, October – December 2007, 95-102.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Cheryl, I'm fascinated by your blog and the topics you cover! I wondered if you’d be interested in a book I have commissioned, which aims to make the Sacred Text of Jesus accessible to spiritual seekers from all walks of life. In short, the book gives fresh access to the stories of Jesus by weaving modern day writings and images throughout the Sacred Texts. Writings include meditations, prayers of harmony, beautiful poetry and topical articles, which help to give a broader perspective on certain relevant issues in the Texts. Some of the topics include: Crystals, Angels, the Environment, Wisdom and Astrology.

Let me know if you’d be keen to see the sample chapter or talk about it more. Here is the web link-

If its not your thing that’s ok.
