Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Are You An Entrepreneurial Spirit? Take the Quiz and Find Out

An entrepreneurial spirit is a person who is spiritually independent and not locked into any one set of dogmatic beliefs. An entrepreneurial spirit is a person who recognizes the importance of creating a better spiritual life.

Creativity and risk are entrepreneurial characteristics. Creativity is not just about painting a picture, acting in a drama, writing a novel or some other artistic endeavor. Creativity is being intellectually and spiritually inventive. Spiritual people must be imaginative and innovative. We must also be willing to try new ideas, new ways of thinking and acting. This involves a certain degree of risk.

An entrepreneurial spirit understands non-linear thinking, in which there is no one cause and effect. Non-linear is a different way of thinking. We can no longer expect to find one result from an event, or expect an outcome to have a single, definite cause. Linear thinking, or moving in a straight line, is no longer the only way to reflect. Instead, imagine a web of ideas spreading out in a variety of intricate patterns, but with an underlying order.

Assess yourself as an entrepreneurial spirit. Do you have the qualities necessary to adapt to change, take control of your spiritual life, and think differently?


Directions: Assign one point for each characteristic that describes, or mostly describes, you.

Creates or seizes an opportunity and purses it regardless of current resources.

Never, never accepts “no” for an answer

Is creative and innovative

Uses both left and right brain

Works hard, is driven by intense commitment and determined perseverance

Sees the cup 1/2 full, not 1/2 empty

Strives for integrity

Burns with desire to connect with the Divine

Is dissatisfied with the status quo in spiritual life

Seeks opportunity to improve all spiritual connections

Uses failure as a learning tool

Strives for effectiveness, not perfection

Is comfortable with a certain degree of risk

Scoring: Highest Possible Score is 13

Congratulations! A score of 10 or more makes you an entrepreneurial spirit.

Our spiritual, as well as our material, world is changing. As an entrepreneurial spirit, you are willing to modify your views to accommodate new ideas. This does mean changing your beliefs. This means not limiting your thinking, but allowing new thoughts to permeate your being.

If you are not an entrepreneurial spirit, do not worry. You might want to take a look at the characteristics to see which ones you want to incorporate into your life. Being an entrepreneurial spirit is not the only way to live spiritually, but it is one way to better flow with the changes that are occurring.

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