Friday, April 20, 2007

Quality and Spirituality

The title of this blog is a little misleading. I actually don't have anything to say about the relationship between quality and spirituality. What I want to comment on is a quote in the novel Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsig. I mentioned in my March 25th post that I was rereading this novel after having enjoyed it in the 60s.

The narrator is discussing his search for the definition of the word "Quality." On page 334, the narrator thinks, "Ancient Greece. Strange that for them Quality should be everything while today it sounds odd to even say quality is real. What unseen changes could have taken place?" I'm reminded that this same statement could be said today regarding Spirituality. How strange that if not in Ancient Greece than certainly in some ancient cultures and especially in the Native American tradition, Spirituality was part of everything and related to the way of life. Today, too often, we don't acknowledge this aspect of our lives as real. A little too harsh? Maybe, but not too far-fetched for many as our lives are torn by all the daily demands, leaving little time for anything that isn't "real" or relevant to tomorrow's tasks. I realize that fundamental Christians would disagree with my statement, but I am referring to the millions who find the organized religions a little too constraining.

"What unseen changes could have taken place?" Perhaps we all know that answer or maybe we don't. But in my quest to define Spirituality, I am reminded by the truth in that statement. Perhaps it is time to recognize those changes and bring Spirituality back into our lives as real. That is part of my quest in defining it. I realize I digress with this reference to the novel, but part of Spirituality is to honor our thoughts and feelings and digressions. Thank you for letting me do that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your newsletter and blog! You are doing a great job tackling an issue that is, in my opinion, growing in popularity and significance. Keep up the great work!