Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Two Key Ideas of a Practical Spirituality

Before I ever thought of the idea of practical spirituality, Vernon Howard in 1967 in The Mystic Path to Cosmic Power was presenting two key ideas.

The first is the importance of a new thinking.

"Man’s task is to awaken to his true identity. The Kingdom of Heaven
is within. Spiritual truths are discovered with an entirely new kind of
thinking, quite distinct and vastly superior to the mind that builds
bridges and sells merchandise" (86).

The second is the need for a better definition of “success” than a financial one.

"We demand a financial success, or a social gain, because we think
it will fulfill us inwardly. It won’t. It never will – as we have suspected
all along. So-called success provides ego-excitement, but never
self-fulfillment. It is just as impossible for an exterior result to provide inner happiness as it is for a new hat to give us a new mind" (145).

I suggest his book as another read into our practical spirituality.

Howard, Vernon. The Mystic Path to Cosmic Power. N.Y: Parker Publishing Company, 1967.

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