The most important step in our spiritual evolution is when we agree to “give up the seeking process forever.” This sounds extreme, but consider the reason. Once “we are convinced of the reality of Spirit, at a soul level, we are no longer seekers.” These quotations came from an article, “Seek Until You Find,” by Andrew Cohen, the editor of EnlightenNext magazine (Issue 47, 2011). Once we are done seeking, we begin the responsibility of accepting Spirit and eliminating the demand for proof or the doubt before we act. We will, of course, continue to evolve and be the enlightened person who works to achieve our highest potential through our own development.
No longer, though, can we just intellectualize our spirituality and be content in our continual quest. Soon we must come to terms with our own Truth, what we know we must do, and then just do it. Sacred study and spiritual practice can continue, as long they are combined with an equal amount of sacred action.
With that realization, all is clear. Cohen says “Seek until you Find.” Once that happens, stop seeking and begin “being. How many of us continue to search, continually asking the same questions without moving to another level of action?
No longer, though, can we just intellectualize our spirituality and be content in our continual quest. Soon we must come to terms with our own Truth, what we know we must do, and then just do it. Sacred study and spiritual practice can continue, as long they are combined with an equal amount of sacred action.
With that realization, all is clear. Cohen says “Seek until you Find.” Once that happens, stop seeking and begin “being. How many of us continue to search, continually asking the same questions without moving to another level of action?
The majority of the people dont ask nothing! They dont want to know why they live? what is the meaning of life? is there an ultimate goal for our lives? This is because they dont have this specific will. They are just like "robots"...they live automatically by the "push" of the ultimate upper force (also called God or Creator). They move to "pleasure" and runaway from "pain". They dont seek the "reason", the "giver" of the pleasure or pain!
Thanks for you comment. And what you say is true. I believe that through our actions, we serve as role models for others. Maybe that is one small way we can help others to see a different reality.
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