Do you know what “Let Go and Let God means?” I ask not out of arrogance but out of humility as I realize how difficult that concept is.
In theory, I understand those words completely.
In practice, I struggle with this spiritual idea.
Ego seems to be the problem. I know I should not worry or try too hard to force results. Expectations and specific outcomes are requirements of the ego.
Rather than criticizing myself for being ego-driven, I accept that ego may have dominated up to this point. Just as children can’t understand certain books or concepts until they are older, perhaps we don’t understand or move away from ego before a certain age. That time seems to be now.
The ego invests too much energy in the outcome. The spiritual self focuses on the best effort without worrying about results. Allowing us to concentrate on doing a good job is a release from the pressure of worrying about the end product. A spiritual approach is the easy one. Our ego, however, doesn’t want us to know this secret.
Being critical is self-defeating. Judging is not acceptable. The answer is to stop the criticism and continue the work as the right things begin to happen.
Is ego interfering with your progress? I know it has affected mine. I'm working on focusing on doing the best job possible, not on the conclusion.
1 comment:
Hey Cheryl,
It's time I said HI, and I am glad you are here- you have some important things to share.
In response to the ego thing, and not to contradict, but only elaborate - I'd like to share with you what I have felt is happening as we "rise" in our own way. So many new-age teachings would either directly or politely have us "kill the ego." Even the Freudian/ partially Jungian way would have us believe that the ego is stictly a human thing (or could we say of "lower-dimensions"?).
I feel the ego is a partner, albeit a spoiled child running amok; but this same "ego" will most certainly evolve with us, and rise with us as we lift ourselves, as it is a part of us.
Is the ego not a reflection of I, and the source of the trancient I that we believe we are as humans? Even so-called "higher" spirit guides, olympic and planetary spirits, animal totems, archetypes, angels, archangels, and daemons all have some "I"dentity. The ego carries with it a deep and hidden, even near-eternal existence, and we would, as humans, never been provided with something that could so callously be discarded, or killed (not that you said anything like this - just my own thoughts).
I think it's time we re-define and re-understand the so-called ego
Keep up the Great Work! Let's stay in touch...
Pete (Madstone) ;D
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